
Get Educated @ PAHG!

We have collected links to resources that will help you to better understand the threats facing African American cemeteries in Pennsylvania and around the nation, and the work of Pennsylvania Hallowed Grounds (PAHG) to preserve our African American burial grounds.

Preservation Tool Kit

Resources to help stewards of historic African American cemeteries, or those who may be interested in taking steps to preserve a historic African American cemetery in their community.

research resources

PA National Register Listing

A current list of African American cemeteries that have been listed on the National Register of Historic Place or Determined Eligible for the National Register.

National Register MPDF

The Pennsylvania Hallowed Grounds was proud to partner with the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office to create and win National Park Service approval for this document, African American Churches and Cemeteries in Pennsylvania, c.1644-1970. It provides an overview of Pennsylvania’s African American history, and the important role that historic churches and cemeteries play in telling that story. By approving this document, the National Park Service recognized that African American churches and cemeteries are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

grants and funding sources