List of PA African American Cemeteries

Below is a current list of cemeteries and burial grounds collected by the Pennsylvania Hallowed Grounds and the Shippensburg University African American Cemetery and Burial Ground Documentation Project. This is a work in progress. We would really appreciate your feedback to make this list more complete and accurate. Also, if there are sites that are on this list that are not African American cemeteries or burial grounds, please let us know.

This information has been compiled from many different individuals and sources over several years. Click HERE for information about the process and sources used to compile this list. While we have done our best to review and check the information below, we welcome any additional information that can make this list more accurate. If there are additional sites that should be added to this list, or if the information listed below is not accurate, please use this form and we will make every effort to update and correct his list:

Feedback, Correction & New Information Form

This is a list of all cemeteries and burial grounds that were created specifically by African Americans or for African Americans, including independent community and church cemeteries, as well as segregated sections within public or predominantly white cemeteries.  This is not a list of all cemeteries containing African American graves, or a list of all of the cemeteries containing the graves of the United States Colored Troops (we will be posting a list of cemeteries with USCT graves separately as it contains many public cemeteries that were not primarily African American burial grounds).

Sites with names with an asterisk (*) and highlighted in RED are ones that have been partially or completely lost or damaged. These sites should all be considered hallowed ground even though the historic cemeteries may have been damaged or destroyed. These include cemeteries that were closed and where bodies were moved to other cemeteries, as well as many sites where the land was paved over or used for other purposes and no record exists of bodies being moved. Even for sites where bodies were moved, it is likely that graves or human remains still exist at the original sites.

Over time, the PAHG Site Numbers on the left hand side of the table will be highlighted  BLUE. When that happens, sites will then be linked to another additional information and links to resources on the cemetery. We are working to make most links active in the coming months. We will be reaching out to cemetery stewards to share information about their sites.

Please note that many of these sites are located on private property or surrounded by private property, so please be respectful when visiting these sites.



Cemetery Name(s)




PA001002 Adams Lincoln Cemetery Lincoln Lane, Gettysburg, PA 17325 USCT 39.825749, -77.234900
PA001003 Adams *Yellow Hill Cemetery; A.M.E. Church at Fairmount Cemetery 537 Yellow Hill Road, Biglerville, PA 17307 USCT 39.943805, -77.265837
PA003001 Allegheny African American Military Cemetery, United Cemetery 204-235 Cemetery Ln, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (Unmarked gravel road/driveway 1/4 mile from Cemetery Ln & Babcock Blvd intersection) USCT 40.514013, -80.012598
PA003004 Allegheny Duncan Heights Cemetery (also known as Duncan Manor Cemetery, Duncan Heights Colored Cemetery and Lakeview Cemetery) 1669 Duncan Ave, Allison Park, PA 15101 ??? 40.566791, -80.000922
PA003007 Allegheny *Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Block between Duff Street, Bedford Avenue and Junilla Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15129 USCT 40.450604, -79.973615
PA003011 Allegheny Woodlawn Cemetery 1460 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 USCT 40.439240, -79.866613
PA005001 Armstrong Bell Town Road Cemetery, Wesleyen Methodist Cemetery, Enty (Family) Cemetery 121 Belltown Road, Templeton, PA 16259 USCT 40.923117, -79.461627
PA009003 Bedford Lester Iames Farm Cemetery Around 1971 Chaneysville Rd, Clearville, PA 15535 ??? 39.762186, -78.511793
PA009004 Bedford Mount Ross Cemetery Bedford Township, Pennsylvania 15522 USCT 40.03489, -78.52203
PA011001 Berks *Bethel AME Church Cemetery 119 North 10th Street, Reading, PA 19606 ??? 40.337245, -75.918026
PA011003 Berks Mount Frisby AME Church Graveyard, Mt. Frisby AME Church 369 Geigertown Rd, Douglassville, Pennsylvania USCT 40.225672, -75.804778
PA011005 Berks Second Baptist Church Cemetery, Baptist Colored Cemetery 15 Old Douglass Dr, Douglassville, PA 19518 USCT 40.254700, -75.712300
PA011006 Berks *Old Washington Presbyterian Church Cemetery 1030 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601 USCT 40.336571, -75.917049
PA013003 Blair Eastern Light Cemetery 110-18 S 10th St, Altoona, PA 16602 USCT 40.51143, -78.38949
PA013008 Blair Union African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 USCT 40.439550, -78.401357
PA013009 Blair Fairview Cemetery, Colored Cemetery Walnut St. and Cemetery Lane, Claysburg, PA, 16625 ??? 40.30491, -78.45440
PA013010-25 Blair *Union Meeting House Cemetery Northeast corner, 11th Avenue and 15th Street, Altoona, PA, 16601 ???

40.513672, -78.404874

PA017001 Bucks Bensalem AME Church Cemetery, Old Jerusalem Church – African American Episcopal 1200 Bridgewater Rd., Bensalem, PA 19020 USCT 40.09927, -74.92356
PA017002 Bucks Bethlehem AME Church Cemetery 215 S. Pine Street, Langhorne, PA 19047 USCT 40.174772, -74.916617
PA017004 Bucks Lighthouse Hill Cemetery, Congress Street Cemetery 136 N. Congress St., Newtown, PA 18940 USCT 40.23549, -74.93309
PA017005 Bucks Mount Gilead AME Church Cemetery 1940 Holicong Rd, Holicong, PA 18928 USCT 40.322397, -75.033113
PA017006 Bucks Mount Moriah AME Church Cemetery, New Hope AME 12 Stoney Hill Rd. at Mechanic St., New Hope, PA 18938 USCT 40.350650, -74.96255
PA021002 Cambria Brown’s Cemetery at Laurel Hill Settlement In Laurel Ridge State Park northeast of Johnstown USCT 40.35405, -78.98362
PA027001 Centre Marysville A.M.E. Church Cemetery 962 Scotia Road, Port Matilda, PA 16870 USCT 40.800133, -77.954035
PA029002 Chester African Union Church Burial Ground, African Union Church of South Coventry, Coventryville African Union Church Cemetery, Coventry African Union, Colored Union Meeting House 3181 Coventryville Rd, Pottstown, PA, 19465 USA ??? 40.182537, -75.683093
PA029005 Chester Chestnut Grove Cemetery 721 E Gay Street, West Chester, PA 19380 USCT 39.96628,  -75.59281
PA029006 Chester Chestnut Grove Cemetery Annex, Oakland Colored Cemetery 1041 Pottstown Pike, West Chester, PA 19380 USCT 39.982739, -75.617368
PA029007 Chester Church Hill Cemetery, Church Hill African Union Cemetery 617-619 Church Hill Road , Landenberg, PA, 19350 USCT 39.79633,  -75.78753
PA029008 Chester Derry Meeting AME Cemetery, Derry Union AME Church Cemetery, East Fallowfield Cemetery, Derry Meeting Cemetery (E.Fallowfield)Hutchinson Memorial U.A.M.E. Cemetery, Union American Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Derry Meeting AME Cemetery, Derry Meeting Cemetery (E.Fallowfield) 1064 South Caln Road, East Fallowfield Township, PA 19320 (No Access) USCT 39.965002, -75.776505
PA029009 Chester Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Chester Valley African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Valley Hill Cemetery, Bacton Hill AME Church Cemetery 97 N Bacton Hill Rd, Malvern, PA 19355 USCT 40.054642, -75.588405
PA029010 Chester Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Unionville Brick Meetinghouse Cemetery 139 E Doe Run Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348 USCT 39.888701, -75.713785
PA029012 Chester Flatfoot African Union Cemetery, Inzion African Union Church Cemetery, Flatfoot African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery 1056 Thunder Hill Rd, New London, PA 19352 39.754031, -75.885731
PA029015 Chester Hosanna Meeting House Cemetery, Hosanna African Union Church Cemetery, Lincoln University Cemetery, Hosanna A.M.E. Church 1542 Baltimore Pike, Lincoln University, PA 19532 USCT 39.811172, -75.925270
PA029016 Chester Lindley Hill Cemetery, Lindley Hill Church Cemetery, Bethel A.M.E. Church Cemetery 2 Hollow Ln, Downingtown, PA 19335 USCT 40.027500, -75.692348
PA029020 Chester Mount Calvary AME Church Cemetery, Allen AME Church 164 Bethel Road, Oxford, PA 19363 USCT 39.786920, -76.008533
PA029021 Chester Mount Olive African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Mt. Olive AME Cemetery, Club Hill African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, West Marlborough A.M.E. Cemetery, Marlborough Cemetery 268 Clonmell-Upland Road, West Grove, PA, 19390 USCT 39.882926, -75.815306
PA029022 Chester Mt. Zion AME Church Cemetery, New Centerville Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery 380 N. Fairfield Road, Devon, PA 19333 USCT 40.056212, -75.434454
PA029023 Chester Bucktoe Cemetery, New Garden Union, New Garden UAME Memorial Church Cemetery, African Union Church of Kennett Cemetery Historic Bucktoe Cemetery, Buck Toe Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348 USCT 39.814904, -75.721567
PA029025 Chester Old Evergreen Cemetery,  Hayti Cemetery 203 Cemetery Road, Coatesville, PA 19320 USCT 39.98105,  -75.84883
PA029026 Chester Pennsbury-Pocopson African Union Cemetery, Pennboro Cemetery Behind 1032 Denton Hollow Road, West Chester, PA, 19382 (No Access) USCT 39.89791,  -75.64229
PA029027 Chester Sandy Hill African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery 1115 West Kings Hwy, Coatesville, PA 19320 USCT 40.018498, -75.913307
PA029028 Chester Shiloh African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Westtown Burying Ground 1004 Little Shiloh Rd, West Chester, PA 19382 USCT 39.953192, -75.558342
PA029029 Chester Somerset Cemetery, Somerset African Union Church Cemetery, Somerset Union American Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery 4217 Newark Rd, Upper Oxford, PA 19363 ??? 39.853947, -75.967210
PA029034 Chester West Grove Cemetery, Solomon’s Temple Cemetery, African Union Church of London Grove Cemetery 816 North Guernsey Road, West Grove, 19390 USCT 39.85432, -75.84091
PA029036 Chester Mt. Zion AME Church Cemetery 404 Zion Hill Road, Atglen, PA 19310 USCT 39.952427, -75.985520
PA029038 Chester Zion African Union Church and Cemetery 141 Lilly Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 ??? 40.047582, -75.922058
PA029040 Chester New Evergreen Cemetery,  Hayti Cemetery 206 Cemetery Road, Coatesville, PA 19320 no 39.981022,  -75.849513
PA029041-25 Chester Sankanac Baptist Cemetery Wooded area approximately 1230 feet east of Trythall Road. ??? 40.17838, -75.74749
PA029042-25 Chester Theodore Ricks Memorial Cemetery 680 North Valley Forge Road, Devon, PA 19333 USCT 40.05960, -75.42842
PA029043-25 Chester Chester County Memorial Gardens 1008 West Chester Pike, West Chester, PA 19382 no 39.96054, -75.57913
PA029044-25 Chester Rolling Green Memorial Park 1008 West Chester Pike, West Chester, PA 19382 no 39.96770, -75.57850
PA033001 Clearfield McGonigal Cemetery, Furst-McGonigal Cemetery Jim L Road, Potterdale, PA 16871 USCT 41.155499, -78.046292
PA035001 Clinton Gaines Cemetery 118 Susies Lane, Pottersdale, PA 16871 ??? 41.177637, -78.035644
PA035003 Clinton Schmoke Cemetery 5711 Keating Mountain Road, Pottersdale, PA 16871 ??? 41.194835, -78.030638
PA041002 Cumberland Irishtown Cemetery, Huntsdale Cemetery 61 Irish Gap Road, Newville, PA USCT 40.093884, -77.302552
PA041003 Cumberland *Lincoln Cemetery, Memorial Park 149 W Penn St, Carlisle, PA 17013 USCT 40.205799, -77.191214
PA041004 Cumberland Lincoln Cemetery, Upper Allen Freed Slave Cemetery 425 W Winding Hill Road, Upper Allen Township, PA 17055 USCT 40.189420, -77.006476
PA041005 Cumberland Mount Tabor AME Church Cemetery, Mt. Holly Colored Cemetery Cedar St, Mt Holly Springs, PA 17065 USCT 40.118103, -77.177677
PA041007 Cumberland Locust Grove Cemetery, North Queen Street Cemetery 109-111 North Queen St. Shippensburg, PA 17257 USCT 40.056594, -77.514844
PA041008 Cumberland Union Cemetery Union Cemetery, Carlisle, PA 17013 USCT 40.214732, -77.198233
PA041009 Cumberland *Chambers Family Slave Burial Ground Old Stone House Road N, Carlisle, PA 17015 no 40.21282, -77.10684
PA043001 Dauphin East Middletown Cemetery (New Negro Cemetery) 189 Iron Mine Rd, Middletown, PA 17057 no 40.200170, -76.704368
PA043002 Dauphin East Middletown Cemetery (Old Negro Cemetery) 1368 E. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA, 17057 USCT 40.196915, -76.708719
PA043003 Dauphin First Zion Baptist Primative Church Cemetery, Royalton Colored Cemetery, Royalton Negro Cemetery  131 Dock Street, Royalton, PA 17057 ??? 40.187102, -76.724241
PA043004 Dauphin Fort Hunter African American Cemetery East of Fort Hunter, 5300 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17110 no (?) 40.3445, -76.9033
PA043005 Dauphin Lincoln Cemetery 201 S 30th St, Penbrook, PA 17103 USCT 40.280056, -76.844411
PA043006 Dauphin Midland Cemetery Midland Cemetery, Harrisburg, PA 17113 USCT 40.237135, -76.826759
PA043008 Dauphin William Howard Day Cemetery 801 Lincoln Street, Steelton, PA 17113 no 40.244533, -76.836314
PA043009 Dauphin Colored Masonic Home and Orphanage Graveyard, Colored Masonic Home Graveyard 6500-6690 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112 ??? 40.348201, -76.778508
PA043010 Dauphin *Harris Free Cemetery Arsenal Boulevard, 17th Street, PennDot Fleet Mgt, Harrisburg, 17013 ???
PA043011 Dauphin *Wenrich Cemetery–Colored Cemetery 6490 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, 17112 no 40.348201, -76.778508
PA045001 Delaware Eden Cemetery 1434 Springield Road Collingdale, PA USCT 39.9189, -75.275
PA045002 Delaware Haity Cemetery (African Methodist Union Church Cemetery) 745 Old Marple Rd, Springfield, PA 19064 USCT 39.938903, -75.361438
PA045003 Delaware Haven Memorial 2500 Concord Road, Chester Township, 19014 no 39.84804, -75.39926
PA045004 Delaware Honeycomb UAME Church Cemetery, Hayti 324 Barren Road, Lima, PA 19037 USCT 39.930026, -75.425158
PA045005 Delaware Mount Lawn Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial Park 254 Hook Road, Sharon, Pennsylvania, 16146 USCT 39.9036, -75.2608
PA045006 Delaware Thornbury A.M.E. Church Burial Ground 646 Cheyney Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342 USCT 39.919859, -75.523391
PA045007 Delaware *Union A.M.E. Church Burial Ground, Strangers Burial Ground, Potter’s Field 222 Welsh Street, Chester, PA 19013 ??? 39.847591, -75.358489
PA045009 Delaware Green Lawn Cemetery, Greenlawn Cemetery 2500 Concord Road, Chester, PA, 19014 USCT 39.846900, -75.402198
PA045010 Delaware Gravel Hill Cemetery 2500 Concord Road, Chester, PA, 19014 USCT 39.846798, -75.399232
PA045011 Delaware *Mt. Olive Cemetery, Cartertown Cemetery or Lytle Cemetery 2730 Bethel Rd, Chester, PA 19013 USCT 39.843631, -75.400843
PA045012-25 Delaware Mother Archie’s Cemetery, Archie’s Corner Cemetery, Ebenezer Independent M.E. Church Graveyard Intersection of Bullock Road and Ring Road, Chadds Ford, PA 19137 ??? 39.86548, -75.57605
PA049001 Erie Gospel Hill Cemetery 4056 Station Road, Erie, PA 16510 ??? 42.12672, -79.98601
PA051001 Fayette Clearview Cemetery, Clearview Colored Cemetery 79 Forbes Street, Uniontown, PA 15401 USCT 39.90212, -79.70579
PA051002 Fayette Edenborn Cemetery 276 Springer Road McClellandtown, PA ??? 39.878334, -79.877332
PA051003 Fayette Mount Sterling Cemetery 148 Bukovitz Farm Rd, McClellandtown, PA 15458 USCT (?) 39.8941,  -79.8427
PA051005 Fayette Thomas Cemetery 299 Bennington Road, Hopwood, PA 15445 USCT 39.87865, -79.68649
PA051006 Fayette Uniondale Cemetery, Uniondale Colored Cemetery South of Morgantown. In wood area between Route 119, Turnpike Overpass, and Turnpike USCT 39.864230, -79.749300
PA051007 Fayette Green Lane Cemetery 539 Green Street, Brownsville, PA 15417 USCT 40.01310, -79.89420
PA055001 Franklin Bethel AME Church 227 South Carlisle Street Greencastle, PA USCT 39.786888, -77.729407
PA055002 Franklin Brownsville Church of God Cemetery/Africa Brownsville Road, Brownsville PA USCT 39.9006, -77.5183
PA055004 Franklin *John Wesley A.M.E. Zion Church Cemetery 71 West Liberty Street, Chambersburg, PA USCT 39.933009, -77.663518
PA055005 Franklin Mount Vernon and Lebanon Cemeteries 906 Lincoln Way, Chambersburg, PA, 17201 USCT 39.935172, -77.680442
PA055007 Franklin St. James A.M.E Church Cemetery 510 South Main Street USCT 39.929986, -77.662714
PA055008 Franklin Zion Cemetery aka Mercersburg’s Black Cemetery Zion Union Lane Mercersburg, PA USCT 39.819832, -77.905895
PA055010 Franklin Carter-Draben Cemetery 7068 Brownsville Road, Fayetteville, PA 17222 USCT 39.901012, -77.519915
PA055011 Franklin Raimer Family Cemetery, Gumby Farm Cemetery Brownsville Road, Fayetteville, PA USCT 39.901125, -77.521009
PA057003 Fulton Freedom Hill Cemetery, Freedom Hill Cemetery on Heritage Heights, Spriggs Private, Spriggs Cemetery, The Cemetery, Rdidge Cemetery Across from 396 Heritage Drive; McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, 17233 USCT 39.938071, -78.014010
PA057004 Fulton Lazarius Jamison Burial Plot near 365 Peach Orchard Road USCT 39.939155, -78.009266
PA059004 Greene Negro Run Cemetery 1086 Jollytown Road, Jollytown PA; Cemetery Located along the Jollytown Road, just past Crabapple Rd, formerly known as “Negro Run”, Cemetery is located on the right, as you are headed west. ??? 39.73779, -80.34487
PA069001 Lackawanna Hickory Grove Cemetery 234-298 Miller Road, Waverly, PA USCT 41.525001, -75.694702
PA071001 Lancaster Asbury AME Graveyard (also known as Dogtown Graveyard, Stout Graveyard) Near 1951 Lancaster Pike, Peach Bottom, PA 17563 USCT 39.78662, -76.18224
PA071002 Lancaster Bethel AME Church 110 W. Fairview Avenue Marietta, PA 17547 USCT 40.0589, -76.5562
PA071003 Lancaster Bethel AME Church, St. James African Church 512 East Strawberry Street Lancaster, PA 17602 USCT 40.03126, -76.30338
PA071004 Lancaster Conestoga African Cemetery (Conestoga A.M.E. Church Cemetery) Valley Road Conestoga, PA 17516 39.94427, -76.33995
PA071005 Lancaster Hilltown A.M.E. Cemetery Hideaway Drive, Kirkwood, PA , 17536 USCT 39.8739, -76.11952
PA071006 Lancaster Lincoln Cemetery (Now Maintained by Mount Joy Cemetery Association & Lincoln Cemetery) 275 Terrace Road, Mount Joy USCT 40.1206, -76.5083
PA071009 Lancaster Slave or Black Graveyard West of Edwards Road on Pennsylvania Game Lands #52 ??? 40.182421-75.949322
PA071010 Lancaster St. Peter’s A.M.E. Church Cemetery, St. Peter’s UME Church Cemetery 5279 Hammond Drive, Mt. Airy, Salisbury Twp USCT 40.063908, -76.033911
PA071011 Lancaster Stevens Greenland Cemetery 1000 South Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602 USCT 40.02506, -76.28704
PA071012 Lancaster Zion Hill Cemetery 601 North 5th Street, Columbia, PA 17512 USCT 40.04003, -76.50567
PA071014 Lancaster *African Meeting House Pencroft Drive, north of Holtwood Road (PA Rte. 372), Martic Township, Lancaster County, PA ??? 39.860010, -76.279215
PA071015 Lancaster Black or Negro Graveyard East side of Hopkins Mill Road, Providence Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ??? 39.884635, -76.221795
PA071016 Lancaster Free Black Graveyard on Aaron Newswanger Family Farm Caernarvon Township ??? Not Located
PA071017 Lancaster Rigby Graveyard, Mount Sinai U.A.M.E. Church, Rigby Union American Methodist Episcopal Church, African Union Church North of Rigby Road, Peach Bottom, Lancaster, PA 17563 USCT 39.74790, -76.20770
PA071018 Lancaster *Slave Graveyard Vacated public road, 200 feet from the old Chestnut Level Cemetery on old William Rodger’s farm, Drumore Township, Lancaster County, PA no 39.820784, -76.212363
PA071019 Lancaster Union African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Turner Cemetery, Jack Green’s Graveyard State Route 3009, Rawlinsville Road, Holtwood, Providence Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania USCT 39.900907, -76.269051
PA071020 Lancaster Wesley African Methodist Cemetery, Upper African Cemetery Intersection of Fairview Street and Bridge Street, near intersection with Cherry Avenue, Marietta Borough, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania USCT 40.058361, -76.560500
PA075002 Lebanon Unknown Black Cemetery State Game Lands #211 between Rausch Gap and Cold Spring ??? Not Located
PA081001 Lycoming Freedom Road Cemetery Freedom Road Williamsport, PA 17701 USCT 41.15.732, 77.0612
PA085001 Mercer Freedom Road Cemetery, Liberia Cemetery, Amasa Stone Slave Cemetery, Stonesboro Colored Cemetery 2378 Mercer Rd, Stoneboro, PA 16153 USCT 41.335389, -80.097332
PA087001 Mifflin African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Lewistown Colored Cemetery 86 N Juniata St, Lewistown, PA 17044 USCT 40.59548, -77.58043
PA09011 Montgomery *Bethel AME Church Cemetery 223 Beech Street, Pottstown, PA 19464 ??? 40.24956, -75.64871
PA091007 Montgomery Treemont Cemetery 710 Sandy St. Norristown, PA 19401 USCT 40.111380, -75.329811
PA091010 Montgomery Fairview Cemetery 1511 Twining Road, Willow Grove, PA, 19090 USCT 40.145301, -75.148597
PA095001 Northampton *African American Cemetery 325 W. Nesquehoning Street, Easton, PA USCT 40.681311, -75.213638
PA099001 Perry Little Washington Cemetery East of Iron Mountain Rd, Millerstown, PA 17062 USCT 40.561573, -77.153689
PA101002 Philadelphia Bethany AME Church 8898 Ashton Rd Philadelphia, PA 19136 ??? 40.058155, -75.027159
PA101003 Philadelphia *Bethel Burying Ground (Weccacoe Playground) 405-425 Queen St. Philadelphia, PA 19147/400 Catharine St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 ??? 39.937833, -75.150736
PA101004 Philadelphia Byberry African American Cemetery North of 14700 Townsend Road, Philadelphia, PA, 19154 ??? 40.115965,-74.969397
PA101005 Philadelphia Campbell African Methodist Episcopal Church and Burial Ground 1651 Kinsey St, Philadelphia, PA 19124 USCT 40.01111, -75.0891
PA101007 Philadelphia *First African Baptist Church Vine Street Expressway (between 10th & 11th) ??? 39.957091,-75.156098
PA101008 Philadelphia *First African Baptist Church (3) 1105-1107 N. 11th St. (approx) ??? 39.952281,-75.158397
PA101009 Philadelphia *First African Baptist Church (3) 1029-1033 Pearl St. ??? 39.957609,-75.156596
PA101010 Philadelphia *First African Baptist Church and Burial Ground 8th and Race Sts. ??? 39.956111,-75.152917
PA101011 Philadelphia *First African Presbyterian Church 705-709 S. 7th St. ??? 39.941042,-75.153919
PA101012 Philadelphia *Free Burying Ground of Frankford, Frankford Public Burial Ground (Wilmot Secondary School—Colored) JC King Community  1801 Meadow St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 ??? 40.013737, -75.080819
PA101013 Philadelphia *John Wesley Methodist Church 732 Bainbridge St Philadelphia, PA 19147 ??? 39.941290, -75.155145
PA101014 Philadelphia *Lebanon Cemetery 19th St. and Passyunk Ave. ??? 39.925424,-75.177651
PA101016 Philadelphia *Monumental (Oak Street) Baptist Church 4101 Ludlow St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 ??? 39.956875, -75.204344
PA101017 Philadelphia *Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church cemetery 419 S 6th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 ??? 39.943239, -75.151803
PA101020 Philadelphia *Second African Presbyterian 702-744 Lombard St. ??? 39.942659,-75.153084
PA101022 Philadelphia *Second Presbyterian (African) Church ??? 39.947407,-75.142929
PA101023 Philadelphia *St. Thomas’ (African) Protestant Episcopal Church and Burial Ground SE corner S. Randolph and St. James Sts. ??? 39.946703,-75.150234
PA101024 Philadelphia *The African Friends to Harmony Burial Ground, African Baptist Church of Blockley 4125 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-3012 (41st and Chestnut) ??? 39.956395,-75.205352
PA101025 Philadelphia *Union (Union Mission) AME Church 444 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia, PA 19123 (North 5th and Fairmont Ave.) ??? 39.962863, -75.146197
PA101026 Philadelphia *Union African Baptist (2) 612-618 Addison St. ??? 39.943442,-75.152856
PA101027 Philadelphia *Washington Square/Southeast square 210 W. Washington Square, Philadelphia PA 19106 ??? 39.946930, -75.152209
PA101028 Philadelphia *Olive Cemetery 4600 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 ??? 39.9715, -75.20961
PA107001 Schuylkill Bethel Church AME Pottsville 816 Laurel Blvd. Pottsville, PA 17901 USCT 40.685501, -76.203937
PA115001 Susquehanna Perkins-Dennis Cemetery Creek Rd, Kingsley, PA 18826 ??? 41.731974, -75.756465
PA125001 Washington Chartier Cemetery (Houston A.M.E. Cemetery) Cemetery Ln.,Houston,PA 15342 ??? 40.2589, -80.21206
PA125002 Washington Little Zion AME Church In the vicinity of Woods Run Road ??? (?) 40.0512, -79.9581
PA125004 Washington Payne AME Cemetery 31 Payne Pl., Canonsburg, PA 15317 ??? 40.256077, -80.195607
PA133001 York Chanceford AME Cemetery, Stevenson’s Chapel Cemetery, Lower Chanceford Located in a wooded area amid farm fields southeast of the intersection of Fulton Road and Taylor Road. USCT 39.829845, -76.432170
PA133002 York Fawn AME Church Cemetery, River Hills Cemetery, River Road Cemetery 177 Alum Rock Rd, New Park, PA 17352 USCT 39.761777, -76.479550
PA133003 York Lebanon Cemetery 1404 N George St York, PA 17404 USCT 39.981281, -76.735389
PA133004 York Mt. Olive Cemetery, River Hills Cemetery River Road near Riverview Road, Delta, PA USCT 39.802808, -76.318765
PA133005 York Stone Church Cemetery (Mt. Pisgah Cemetery) Mulberry St. Wrightsville, PA 17368 USCT 40.021633, -76.528254
PA133006 York Trinity Zion AME Church Cemetery Wiley Road & Pikes Peak Road, Delta, PA USCT 39.74180, -76.31220

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