“Pennsylvania USCT History Documented in the Network to Freedom” presented by Robin Krawitz – Northeast Regional Manager of the National Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program
Discussion will cover:
• The National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program
•The history and future of the program.
•How cemeteries can become a part of the Network
•Benefits of inclusion
• What is International Underground Railroad Month?
Robin Krawitz joined the NPS’s UGRR Network to Freedom Program in 2020. Krawitz’s work on the Underground Railroad began in 1995, where she helped document nationally significant sites, including the New Castle Court House, known for the 1848 trial of Underground Railroad operatives John Hunn and Thomas Garrett whose story was used by Harriet Beecher Stowe as the models for the Simeon Halliday character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. With the creation of the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program in 1998, she worked with local community groups to list seven projects in this new program and extend the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway through Delaware and into Pennsylvania. Additionally, she was president of the Underground Railroad Coalition of Delaware and served on the board of the Jane and Littleton Mitchell Center for African American History before joining the National Park Service.
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Email: [email protected] | Website: www.pahallowedgrounds.org
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